Hours: Monday – Friday 8AM – 8PM 866-552-0809 ucandtruckpartsunlimited@gmail.com

Used Chevy Differentials


give a 6-month parts only warranty on all parts that are sold. Unless
a different warranty is put in writing on the receipt.
The warranty is a parts warranty only…this does not include any labor on any part.
Used differentials for all will pay any shipping expenses incurred for any wrong part or
non-working part. This also includes the shipping back, if we send the wrong or non-
working part out. Then Used differentials for all will in-cure the expense for the
shipping back. If we do not have another part to ship out, then we will return all
differentials case also come with a standard 6-month parts warranty. This warranty
includes unlimited miles for the full 6 months. Used differentials for all
can only give a
different warranty at the time of purchase and is put into writing on the customers
receipt at the time of purchase.
The only things that are required to keep the warranty intact for Used differentials is
once received by the mechanic, they must purge and change all fluids and filters. They
must be installed.
The only things that are required to keep the warranty intact for Used differentials is
once received by the mechanic they must purge and change all fluids and filters. They
must be installed by a qualified licensed mechanic or shop. The receipt must be kept
and shown if problem is incurred, showing that this has been done. The receipt
showing that the fluids and filters have been changed and installed by a licensed
qualified mechanic is needed to redeem warranty.
We also in-cur the cost of all the shipping for
Used differentials…if something needs to
be shipped back….then Used transfer cases for all will in-cur that cost. If Used
differentials for all
does not have another Used transfer cases to replace the broken
one…then Used transfer cases for all will return all the monies.
Used Car & Truck Parts Unlimited is not responsible for wrong parts order by the
customer. If a wrong part is ordered by the customer…the customer will in-cur the cost
for shipping back and the customer will also pay for the original shipping that was
incurred for shipping the wrong part. There is also a restocking fee of 30% for
restocking the wrong part that was ordered by the customer.